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Your involvement *
I am the complainant
I represent someone else
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Complaint is about *
Please select
anti social behaviour non housing
blue badge and freedom passes
building control
business rates
childrens social care
conservation areas
council housing caretaking
council housing heating and boilers
council housing major works
council housing repairs
council housing tenancy issues
council tax accounts
council tax telephone contact
ev charging points
fly tipping
garden waste
home ownership
housing benefit
lewisham find your home
lift repairs and issues
parking services
parks and open spaces
pest control homes and gardens
planning applications
pollution control
private sector housing and landlords
register office births deaths and notices
roads and pavement problems
scait gateway
schools admissions
sheltered housing
street cleaning
street trees and park trees
trading standards
traffic and transport
unsure or other
waste and recycling
Please provide details of your complaint below *
Details of action taken to resolve the issue *
Was compensation offered? *
Was compensation offered?
What would you like us to do to resolve the issue?